基于自然的应急课程规划: An 随需应变的车间


An 随需应变的车间 为了你的下一个职业发展日! A pre-recorded video, facilitator’s guide, discussion prompts are included.

目标: To explore what we can plan for in implementing 自然-based emergent curriculum while also recognizing the parts of emergent curriculum for which we cannot plan.

持续时间: 2-6.5个小时 (2 hr, 20 min video; discussion & activities can be as short or as long as you'd like; suggested discussions range from 85 min-4+hrs. 记住,这可以分成多个集合!)

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Given the 自然 of digital downloads, all sales are final and cannot be refunded. 


An 随需应变的车间 为了你的下一个职业发展日! A pre-recorded video, facilitator’s guide, discussion prompts are included.

目标: To explore what we can plan for in implementing 自然-based emergent curriculum while also recognizing the parts of emergent curriculum for which we cannot plan.

持续时间: 2-6.5个小时 (2 hr, 20 min video; discussion & activities can be as short or as long as you'd like; suggested discussions range from 85 min-4+hrs. 记住,这可以分成多个集合!)

请注意,此下载包含在 格罗夫购物中心 图书馆! 不是会员? 你可以加入 格罗夫购物中心 在这里访问该资源 & 更多的.

Given the 自然 of digital downloads, all sales are final and cannot be refunded. 

An 随需应变的车间 为了你的下一个职业发展日! A pre-recorded video, facilitator’s guide, discussion prompts are included.

目标: To explore what we can plan for in implementing 自然-based emergent curriculum while also recognizing the parts of emergent curriculum for which we cannot plan.

持续时间: 2-6.5个小时 (2 hr, 20 min video; discussion & activities can be as short or as long as you'd like; suggested discussions range from 85 min-4+hrs. 记住,这可以分成多个集合!)

请注意,此下载包含在 格罗夫购物中心 图书馆! 不是会员? 你可以加入 格罗夫购物中心 在这里访问该资源 & 更多的.

Given the 自然 of digital downloads, all sales are final and cannot be refunded. 


Do you yearn for a curriculum where children can thrive at their own pace and truly lead their own learning all while learning 自然?

The 基于自然的应急课程规划 随需应变的车间 can help! 


基于自然的应急课程规划 will help your team dig deep into providing materials and activities which follow children’s interests, 支持他们的发展, 提供经验学习 自然世界. Emergent curriculum is a concept often generally discussed in early childhood education, 但要精确指出实施的具体过程要困难得多. This course gets down to the nitty-gritty of how to actually plan for emergent curriculum in a 自然-based early childhood setting. 

我和老师一起上了这门课,他们很喜欢! We’ve been doing emergent curriculum for years but the word I heard the most from them when checking out afterwards was “clarifying”.
- Sarah Watrud,斯库尔基尔中心自然幼儿园主任


  • to identify and nurture each child’s unique passions and curiosities

  • to develop the art of patient observation, noticing and supporting children’s natural development

  • how experiences 与 自然 can become a powerful catalyst for growth and self-awareness

  • to foster an environment that encourages children to take take the lead in their own learning

  • the curriculum elements we can plan ahead for and those which we must be responsive to in the moment

新兴课程颂扬个性之美, 大自然的智慧, 以及赋予每个孩子权力. 现在注册 基于自然的应急课程规划 and witness the transformation in your teaching and the impact that it has on children as they learn in and 与 自然世界.

当您购买这个车间时,您将收到一个 可下载的主持人指南 (PDF)包括... 

  • A link so you can watch the video at a time that works best for your team

  • Prompts to encourage discussions among your team about 自然-based emergent planning  in your program

  • 可打印的工作表,以捕捉您当地的季节性事件, 抓住孩子的兴趣, generate activity and material ideas related to those events and interests

  • Handouts summarizing the foundations of Nature-based early childhood education (NbECE) and the 自然-based emergent planning cycle.

  • A certificate of completion so you can document and get credit for the time spent on this professional learning



没有两个孩子是一样的, 基于自然的应急课程规划 celebrates and embraces this truth. The approach recognizes that education must adapt to the needs, interests, pace of each child. 通过让孩子主导他们的学习经历, we unlock their innate potential and inspire a love for exploration and discovery.


In a world where the pace of life (and school) often feel relentless, 自然-based emergent curriculum encourages the gentle rhythms of 自然. 让孩子们沉浸在自然世界的奇妙中, 我们培养耐心, 正念, 以及对生命之美的深刻欣赏.


基于自然的应急课程规划 recognizes that children are not passive recipients of knowledge, 而是他们自己生活中能干的特工. 通过为他们提供领导的机会, 做出选择, 表达他们的声音, 我们培养信心, 独立, 以及对学习的主人主人感.

This 随需应变的车间 is perfect for educators looking for team development, 作为职前教育的教学工具, 或为个人专业学习. 


安排一个现场问答&与瑞秋的电话! A Q&A session 与 Rachel is an especially high value addition if you are using these courses for a team of educators. 你和你的团队可以期待通过公开讨论来解决问题, 担忧, 以及针对你的项目的想法. 如果你对日程安排感兴趣的话, check page 3 of the Facilitator’s Guide for a link to schedule and pay for a 30-minute or 1-hour call.


瑞秋一. Lari更多的, Ph值.D.是一位教育家、顾问、演说家、研究员和作家. Her work focuses on the intentional integration of 自然 to support young children’s holistic development by learning 与 自然 to expand their worlds and live rich, 完整的生活. 她写了多本书,包括 建立以自然为本的幼儿园, Preschool Beyond Walls: Blending Early Childhood Education and Nature-Based Learning, Evaluating Nature: Evaluating Natureness: Measuring the Quality of Nature-based Classrooms in Pre-k Through 3rd Grade. 在创立萨马拉之前, she spent 更多的 than a decade starting and directing one of the first 自然-based preschools in the United States. She also serves on the advisory board of the Natural Start Alliance, 支持以自然为本的教育者的专业协会.